
How to compile c++ in xcode
How to compile c++ in xcode

how to compile c++ in xcode

The supported destination for your unit tests. Table 3 Supported keys for iOS Simulator and tvOS Simulator apps. Listing 13 Do not test iOSAppUITests on an iPhone. Test Suite 'iOSAppUITests.xctest' started at. Test Suite 'iOSAppTests.xctest' started at. = BUILD TARGET iOSAppUITests OF PROJECT iOSApp WITH CONFIGURATION Debug = = BUILD TARGET iOSAppTests OF PROJECT iOSApp WITH CONFIGURATION Debug = = BUILD TARGET iOSApp OF PROJECT iOSApp WITH CONFIGURATION Debug = $ xcodebuild test -workspace MyApplication.xcworkspace -scheme iOSApp -destination 'platform=iOS,name=iPhone' They take an argument, which specifies the test to be executed or excluded. The -only-testing and -skip-testing options, which are optional, allow you to run only a specific test and to skip a test, respectively. It consists of a set of comma-separated key=value pairs, which are dependent upon the the device, simulator, or Mac being used. It takes an argument, which describes the device, simulator, or Mac to use as a destination. The -destination option allows you to specify a destination for your unit tests.

how to compile c++ in xcode

It is required when there are multiple Xcode projects in the same directory and optional, otherwise. Use this option when your scheme is contained in an Xcode project. The -project option allows you to specify the name of your Xcode project. Use this option when your scheme is contained in an Xcode workspace.

how to compile c++ in xcode

The -workspace option allows you to specify the name of your workspace. See How do I implement the Build For Testing and Test Without Building features from the command line? for more information about build-for-testing and test-without-building actions. The test action requires specifying a scheme and a destination. Xcodebuild test-without-building -xctestrun.

How to compile c++ in xcode